Land Registries & Cadastres

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: The answers on the questionnaire reflect the relation between Land Registries and the Cadastre before the entry into force of Law 4512/2018 (on 17.01.2018). The latter entails radical changes as it entirely abolishes Land Registries.

To date, the provisions of the said law have not been implemented since they have been challenged judicially as being against the Greek Constitution and the administrative
acts required have not yet been issued.

In your country, the Land Registry and the Cadaster are they different institutions?


a) Which are the main duties of the respective organizations?

Land Registries (“ypothikofylakeia”) constitute the authority responsible for land registration in Greece.
The main duties of the Land Registry are the following;

– to register acts relating to property rights on a plot (notarial acts, administrative acts, court decisions), in order to satisfy the principle of publicity governing all transactions on real estate
– to provide information on legal rights and limitations existing on an immovable property.

Land registries have territorial authority.
In areas where the cadastral survey has been completed and there is cadastral information, the Land Registries operate the cadastral system according to which registration is plot based.
In areas where there is still no cadastral data, Land Registries operate the “system of transcription and mortgages” where registration takes place on personal folios under the name of the owner/beneficiary.

The Hellenic Cadastre is the public organisation responsible for the mapping and the administration of geospatial information. To date, only a small part of the national territory has been mapped (7,6 %), the land survey for the rest of the country being still in progress.

b) Which Ministry’s competence do they fall under?

Land Registries in Greece operate under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice, whereas the Hellenic Cadastre falls under the competence of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

c) Could you describe in brief the form of collaboration between the two institutions?

In areas where the cadastral survey had been completed, the Cadastre provides the LR with the cadastral data. The Land Registry performs the registrations of deeds updating the cadastral database, as well as the corrections of the initial cadastral registrations. If a registration entails any kind of modification on the geographic depiction of the property, the latter is performed centrally by the Cadastre.

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