Status of the Land Registrar in each country

Home / European Land Registry Network / Spain / Status of the Land Registrar in each country

What is the status of the Land Registrar in your country:

a) Who is responsible for performing the act of registration of property rights?

The Land Registrar

b) In case of doubt/appeal, who decides?

Another Land Registrar of the General Director of Notaries and Registries (Ministry of Justice) or a Judge in civil matters

c) Must he/she have a legal educational background?


d) Could you characterize the act of registration as a purely administrative duty or a quasi-judicial one?

As a quasi-judicial act.

e) Is the Land Registrar independent in his/her decision making? If yes, how does your legal system assures such functional independence (i.e. the decisions are only challenged before a court).


o To become land registrar an official and public exam is to be passed

o The competent registrar for each area is previously appointed by the state and cannot be select by political parties.

o The decision of a land registrar can only be challenged before concrete land registrar appointed by Colegio de Registradores de España before the General Director of Registries and Notaries (Ministry of Justice) or before a judge.

o For making his/her decision, land registrar is autonomous and not under the competence any other authority

o Land Registrar is personally liable for his/her decision

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