Land Registries & Cadastres

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In your country, the Land Registry and the Cadaster are they different institutions?


a) Which are the main duties of the sole organization?

Lantmäteriet has three divisions, each responsible for different business areas.

The Cadastral Services Division is responsible for property division: in other words, it makes decisions on new property units and making changes to existing boundaries.
The division is also responsible for making decisions concerning joint properties, easements and rights of way.

The Land Registration Division examines, makes decisions on and registers title transactions, mortgages, site leasehold rights and other rights that are then recorded in the Real Property Register. The division also makes decisions on and handles stamp duty and charges.

The Geodata Division collects, stores and updates information about Sweden’s geography and properties, and makes this information available to the general public, the public sector and the private sector.

b) Which Ministry’s competence does it fall under?

The Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation.

c) Is land registration and mapping organized as separate departments within the organization?

See answer to question a.

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